Reaping the Dividends considers the consequences of the current legal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. This interpretation has allowed the proliferation of a huge gun industry, unrestricted despite the will of the people, and propelled forward by the strength of lobbying efforts on behalf of the stockholders of gun producers. The stockholders are the beneficiaries, as they reap high dividends at the expense of human life. Constructed based on the dimensions of a jereboam, otherwise known as a double magnum bottle, this hand-stitched and hollow piece incorporates silhouettes of children cut from stock certificates, and automatic rifles cut from images of US currency. (20″h x 6″, 2023)
Materials: Chiyogami and assorted paper, photocopied images of US currency, stock certificates, gold thread, embroidery floss
Technique: Hand-stitiched and hollow bottle with appliqued child and rifle motifs, painted and drawn paper blood droplets, removable stopper